The Journey of the ask

The Journey of the ask

I read recently where asking for help was more difficult for people than delivering bad news.  Given a choice between telling someone something that would negatively impact them or asking for help; most people would choose the former over the latter.  Put me in that category.  It has always been extremely difficult for me to ask for help.  Help out someone else?  I’m there in a flash.  Ask for help for myself?  Not so much.  See this picture?  I was told that I needed to have some photographs of myself in my Island Contessa wear that could be shared more broadly.  So I was nervous about having my photograph taken but I was even more hesitant to ask for help on locating a nice boat for the pictures (never mind that I live on an island surrounded by boats!),  When I posted the ask on my personal Facebook page, I had several of my friends volunteer their respective boats.  Without a second thought.  Now I am the first to admit that I’m blessed with some pretty rock star friends but here’s the more important lesson I’ve learned.  People want to help people but you’ve got to ask first.   Note to self.

​I’m in the midst of my crowdfunding campaign for Island Contessa to help take the brand to the next level–better website, broader distribution, etc.  To do that I need some help and I’m in the midst of asking friends and supporters (if you’re reading this, that means you) to help me.  It’s not easy but I know it is necessary and I know that I will not disappoint anyone that supports me in this.  Is that you?  Go to this link and see some of the wonderful gifts I’m delighted to share in exchange for your support.

Happy Monday!

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