Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

For most of you, Spring is just springing.  For those of us who are lucky enough to be able to lay on a beach and have this view; well Spring is just the continuation of our beautiful views!  As you begin to come out of hibernation and start thinking about Spring and Summer clothes, I wanted to share some Island Contessa news with you.  First!  The 2017 collection is in production and should be coming online in May.  YEA!  Second, if you haven’t already, PLEASE sign up for our mailing list.  We’re really getting serious about sharing sales and special offerings OUTSIDE of Facebook and we want all of you that have been such great followers to have the inside scoop on every great new item and amazing sale.  Our annual clearance sale takes place in June.  Usually it is just an ‘on St. Croix’ event but this year we’re going to be opening it up online as well.  SO, be sure to sign up for our emails.  I promise we won’t inundate you with lots of pesky emails.  We’ll try to keep it sweet and to the point.  I also promise we will never sell your email to anyone else. Ever. That is never. Ever.

So what have you got to lose?  Come be a part of our royal family and get the scoop.

Happy Tuesday!



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