That Dress

home_slide_3 That dress.  Sometimes, I have a difficult time finding what to share in a weekly post.  I don’t want to be writing just for writings’ sake and I don’t want to feel like I’m constantly trying to sell you something (although many people have told me that the point).  But I digress.

Yesterday, I had a variety of business errands to run around my little island and, as I always do when I’m talking Island Contessa™, I had on one of my designs.  This one actually.  The one, my friend, Danielle is sporting in the picture.  Now I’m not as tiny as Danielle and frankly some days, don’t feel that great, even in my own clothes; but I have worked hard to design pieces that flatter everyone.  So yesterday, I put on this dress and it started.  The woman at the bank complimented me on my dress and I said, yes, it is one of my designs.  Then I met a girlfriend for drinks and she said, “I think I need to get that dress.  I really like it.”  Then I met my husband for dinner and some of our friends were there and one of them said, “oh my goodness you look beautiful, is that one of your Island Contessa™ dresses?”  I smiled because by now, not only was I busting at my buttons (figuratively speaking) but I felt like the most beautiful woman on the island.  From strangers to friends; everyone loved that dress.   And isn’t that the point of why I’m building this fashion house?  I want everyone to feel like the most beautiful woman in the room (or on island).

So here’s the shameless plug.  If you like ‘that dress’ I have made it in some fabulous silks and cottons that wash well, travel well and wear well.  Go get yours.


Happy Tuesday,



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