Island Living

Island Living

This is a pretty constant view of where I live.  Life on an island revolves around the weather.  It’s why people come here when the weather is snowy and cold (like it is right now in much of the Continental US).   People often ask me if living here is like being on vacation.  No, is my frequent response because I still work (albeit in paradise) and I can’t just play all the time.  Even if I want to do that!  My days are filled with work on our house ( a never ending effort); writing ( my books, poetry, short stories) and, of course, my baby, Island Contessa.  In between all of that, we are often rewarded with this.  This photo taken on the West End of the island is one of the things we are known for–stunning sunsets.  On a scale of good to amazing, they are SPECTACULAR!  I never take them for granted.  Almost everyone I know that lives here, still posts pictures of our sleepy little rock in its showy best.  Not to be mean or rub it in (ok some people may do it for that reason) but we are just mostly still dazzled.    I have so many people ask me, ‘do you ever get tired of it’?  And my standard response is, ‘would you’?  So while I still work hard like everyone else I know, I’m blessed to do it on a small rock in the Caribbean, I call home.

Happy Monday!

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